Predictions are a major part of sports and that’s no different when it comes to NASCAR.
Not only do they create unparalleled excitement around a game or even a season, it’s also a fun way for fans to get together and debate their predictions for upcoming events. While some predictions might be within the norm, especially those that follow the expert’s opinions on SportsCenter, there are other predictions that could very well be considered out of this world.
Speaking of out of this world, here are five bold predictions for the rest of the 2016 NASCAR Sprint Cup season. Some may surprise you, some may anger you a little bit, but hopefully this will also be a great guide for what fans can expect for the rest of the season. Either that, or use it as another reason to prove that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Agree with our picks? Let us know in the comments below and have an awesome day.
Next: Smoke signal