NASCAR is a little different than football when it comes to the proverbial hot seat. NFL coaches usually get fired after being on the hot seat, in NASCAR the hot seat tends to stay hot for a while before a change is made.
Regardless of whether a change is imminent or not, there are going to be a handful of drivers on the proverbial hot seat in 2017.
The NASCAR hot seat is fueled by a few different factors. The biggest factor is when a driver has an expiring contract. Sometimes a driver can make or break their career with a stellar performance during a contract year. Other times the hot seat is brought on by a driving not living up to expectations brought on by their contracts or the hype that has been built up around them.
Other times the hot seat is fueled by previous success. When a driver sets the bar and they cannot constantly live up to it, that too causes the collar on the fire suit to feel a bit tight.