NASCAR vs. Mayfield: Who To Believe, Oh Who To Believe?
When NASCAR introduced its random drug testing policy at the beginning of the season, it was met with great applause and support from many, including myself. But, as NASCAR’s first victim of the new policy, as well as his excuse, was revealed, the general public was met with, as usual in NASCAR, more questions than answers. Namely, who’s side on earth can we believe?
The whole ordeal between NASCAR and Jeremy Mayfield has turned into a he said/they said situation. Fans have been left wondering who to believe, or if we can believe anybody. But, if I must choose somebody to believe, I choose Mayfield, for several reasons.
First, let’s look at the facts. No list of the unapproved drugs in NASCAR has ever been given out to the drivers, nor does it appear that one is coming out anytime soon. How the heck can we expect guys like Mayfield to obey the drug “rules” if he doesn’t even know what they are? You and I both know what to do and what not to do in this world. Why? Because we were told what the rules were, and that we must obey them. If we hadn’t been told as kids that things like stealing were against the rules, we’d probably be out shoplifting video game consoles right now. But we know the rules, so we obey them. Mayfield was never told what the rules were. How can he be expected to live by them? One thing we do know is that, if NASCAR doesn’t reveal a list of unapproved drugs soon, Mayfield will be watching the races with lots of his racing buddies.
Second, take a look at NASCAR’s track record. Remember the rules inconsistencies that so many have been preaching about? How do we know that NASCAR didn’t let somebody get away with taking the same drug(s) Mayfield was taking, just the week before he was tested? We don’t, because everything is confidential. It’s just like NASCAR’s rule book. We haven’t seen a copy of the rules. We don’t know what they are. But we do know that NASCAR has let some people get away with doing things that others have been nailed to the wall for doing. How do we know they aren’t doing the same with their drug policy?
Third, how do we know that what Mayfield was doing wasn’t perfectly legal? All NASCAR’s brilliant drug doctor has done is shoot down Mayfield’s excuse and tell everyone just how serious of a violation it was. Even Mayfield doesn’t know what he did wrong. NASCAR wants everything to be so secret, and they expect the fans to just take their word for everything. If NASCAR wants the fans to buy what they have to sell, perhaps they should tell us what it is we’re buying first.
Here’s how I see it. Jeremy Mayfield has come up with a very logical explanation, and he has yet to budge on it, regardless of what NASCAR might say. What has NASCAR done? They have spouted off about how Mayfield’s excuse isn’t logical, without giving an explanation of their own. That’s it. NASCAR is on the offensive. They are the so-called plaintiff in this battle. It is their duty to present to us, the jury, the evidence, or at the very least, a story, to prove Mayfield wrong. Thus far, they have failed.
I believe Jeremy Mayfield’s story, and I am siding with him on this one.