Take 5: Five Thoughts Heading Into Phoenix

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Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports

Take 4 – Clint Bowyer did not wreck on purpose to steal a win away from Jeff Gordon.

In the days after the Texas race there were many fans out there that were claiming that Bowyer wrecked on purpose during the last laps of the AAA Texas 500. The claim is that Bowyer had his car saved after getting sideways and then he intentionally wrecked himself to bring out the caution which in turn took the win away from Gordon. I understand the dislike between fans of Bowyer and fans of Gordon but this is a bit silly. Bowyer has had so many issues this season and he had more than enough going on with his own car during the last laps at Texas, I highly doubt that Gordon was anywhere on his mind. Sometimes NASCAR fans tend to try to out-think the room and this is one of those times. That being said, if we ever found out that Bowyer did wreck on purpose in that situation; I would gladly eat a heaping bowl of crow and humble pie.