NASCAR: Has Father Time Passed Drivers Over 40?

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Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports

Jeff Gordon – 43 years old

Gordon and the No. 24 team have been looking for a fifth championship for over a decade now. That quest came close to becoming a reality in 2014. Gordon won four races this past season and would have made it to the championship race if not for a last-lap pass by Ryan Newman in the 35th race of the season. Had Gordon made it to Homestead, who knows what would have happened.

Gordon might be closer to the end of his career than the previous men on this list. Gordon has an heir apparent waiting to take over his ride in Chase Elliott and health issues could play in role in when Gordon’s swan song will take place.

The good news for Gordon fans is that he has a life-time contract with HMS. That contract means that Gordon could race for as long as he wants. However, given his family and the reasoning’s above it would seem unlikely that Gordon races more than a few more seasons.

Prediction: If Gordon is to win another title I think it would have to happen during the 2015 season. If this upcoming season comes and goes without Gordon winning a fifth title than I do not think he will ever win another championship in NASCAR.