NASCAR: Who Had The Best & Worst Week Ever (Off-Week)

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Better Week: Dale Earnhardt Jr.

For those of you that might not know, Dale Earnhardt Jr. has one of the coolest car collections in NASCAR.

Earnhardt Jr. has more than 80 cars spread across his land in the woods and on dirt paths. Some of these cars are formerly part of JR Motorsports while others are ones that he has bought in order to lay them to rest in his car graveyard. This past week Earnhardt Jr. added a new car to his collection, an older No. 24 car that is sporting the classic rainbow Dupont paint scheme.

Not only did Earnhardt Jr. pick up a cool car for his collections but he also got a cool story to go along with it. The car was apparently owned by a local restaurant who bought it years and years ago. The restaurant apparently reached out to Earnhardt Jr. and gifted him the car, pretty sweet deal.

This week Beyond The Flag did a piece to showcase the cars in the graveyard, you can see that piece HERE.