Five Ways Tony Stewart Can Fix His 2015 Season

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Marvin Gentry-USA TODAY Sports

Learn The New Racing Package And Adjust To It 

Stewart simply has to get adjusted to this new racing package that NASCAR is requiring this season.  Less horsepower is a huge deal, most of us would be ready to throw a fit at the DMV if they suddenly told us we HAD to drive a V-6 when we are accustomed to having 8 cylinders.  That is far easier said than done.  Having a diminished amount of horsepower in the car means you have to compensate and change how you drive to be successful.

That being said, Stewart is a three-time champion and every other driver in the series had to make similar adjustments in 2015. I know the learning curve might be slower for some than others but we are 10 races into the season and something needs to give. After a few races the new package can be an excuse but after 10 I’m not so sure.