Peter Casey-USA TODAY Sports
The Crew Chief
Racing at the Sprint Cup Series level since 1999 has some benefits in this case because in that time frame, Stewart has had several different crew chiefs, two of which he has won Sprint Cup championships with. Let’s go to these former crew chiefs who all got to know a decent amount about Stewart as a driver and just ask what they could offer as an insight. There is a wealth of incredibly valuable information to be gained about a driver if you are willing to sit down and get it straight from the mouth of a crew chief. Over the past 17 years at this level I am positive there are a lot of quirky things that Stewart would have been through in the way of individual preferences when he is on the track.
The benefits of a pow wow between Greg Zippadelli, Darian Grubb and Chad Johnston could be immeasurable.
Then at the end of the day the No. 14 team also needs to be open to the idea of a change on top of the box. In life sometimes things just don’t work out. It’s not the fault of any two people if things between them just don’t click. If that’s the case between Stewart and Johnston, let’s fix it.