Which Winless Drivers Would You Guarantee (bet your house on) To Win In 2016?
- Martin Feigen: None of them are worth that bet. I would not touch that with a ten-foot pole. I could see lots of drivers getting a win, but if they have not won by now I cannot say with confidence that any of them are sure to win.
- Mike Hutton: None that I’m willing to bet the house on, especially since I have only 2 years left to pay and then it’s mine!
- Alex Herbst: I can’t exactly bet my own house, seeing that I don’t own it…but if I could, I’d put it on Dale Earnhardt Jr.
- Cole Mentzel: It would definitely be Dale Earnhardt Jr. He has four 2nd-place finishes and the No. 88 team seems to be getting better each weekend.
- Marco Venosta: That would be Earnhardt Jr. He has had great cars, but he is just missing a tiny little bit to get to victory lane. His four second-place finishes so far this season prove it.
- Christopher Olmstead: Before Daytona my money would have been on Dale Earnhardt Jr. and the No. 88 team. While I still think Earnhardt wins in 2016, I would let the house ride on Chase Elliott and the No. 24 team.
Next: The Most Wins?