As the summer continues, so does our “What’s wrong with NASCAR?” series! This week I discuss how us, the fans, contribute to the problem!
Guess who’s back? Back again! Guess who’s back? Giving my opinion! Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back?
What’s up, NASCAR fans and followers? Welcome to part six of my summer series “What’s wrong with NASCAR?” as I discuss a silent issue in NASCAR, us, the fans. No, don’t adjust your glasses, you didn’t read anything wrong. Today, I’ll discuss why the fanbase is one of the many issues with NASCAR.
Don’t get too nervous; I’ll talk about how I fit into some categories as well. After all, we are all in this together as a fanbase! Before we get going on this week’s topic, make sure you check out all of the other pieces of this series!
Click on the following links to check out prior articles of this series: introduction, the cars, money and sponsorship, ownership and scheduling.
Before we get cooking, I want to set a disclaimer. This week’s article is to highlight how us fans could be better with our fandom. I, too, find myself guilty of some of these issues, so don’t think I’m singling fans out. At the end of the day, us fans could do a better job of supporting the good parts of the sport.
Enough talking; let’s get to it!