Formula 1: Grandstand seat or bring your own?

Charles Leclerc, Ferrari, Formula 1 (Photo by Dan Istitene/Getty Images)
Charles Leclerc, Ferrari, Formula 1 (Photo by Dan Istitene/Getty Images)

Sometimes it can be difficult for fans to decide how they should watch a Formula 1 race while at the track. Should you sit in a grandstand seat or find a spot and use your own seat down for the day? As Formula 1 prepares to get its 2020 season underway, let’s take a look at the pros and cons for both options from someone who has experienced both.

As a Formula 1 fan who has been fortunate enough to experience a race weekend with a grandstand seat and also in my own camping chair, the decision is easy for me.

But, like most things, arguments can be made for both options. Bear in mind, neither option is a bad option to choose. But I am here to explain which option provided me with the better experience throughout the weekend.

A big factor in choosing to bring your own seat is the personal space. Despite what the TV shows, there is always a surprising amount of room.

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The Vale section at Silverstone was always easy to maneuver around, even with the many people around you.

If you have been sitting for a while, your legs will be in need of a stretch and will need to have some movement. That won’t be a problem. But stretching your legs in the grandstand means leaving your uncomfortable seat, finding the stairs, walking down the stairs, proceeding with the stretches and then walking back up the stairs and finding your seat once again.

Now let’s go into some positives about sitting in a grandstand seat. There is one clear and obvious factor with the grandstand: the view.

Shocking, right?

If, like me, someone is sitting in the Village grandstand at Silverstone, turns one to five are easily visible. This sort of view makes lap one very entertaining with 20 cars battling through five corners.

However, this does come with a negative. Due to the fact that the fans can see much more of the track, this means that they are further away from the track, and that takes away a big chunk of enjoyment. It takes away a big reason why fans go to a Formula 1 race weekend: the cars. A grandstand seat can provide an out-of-touch feeling.

Let’s expand on that previous point. The best place where I have been to witness Formula 1 cars at full tilt and still been able to get a feeling of being on top of the cars is the Kemmel Straight in Spa. Once again, personal space is easy despite what the TV shows, and the fans sit only around seven to 10 meters away from the cars as they whip by at over 200 miles per hour.

In a strange way, it becomes easy to feel as if you are part of the race being that close. Compare that to most grandstand seats, where the fans are at least 25 to 30 meters away from the track.

Up next is the aspect of the atmosphere, something that fans provide at every sporting event. This is the only factor that is not important when deciding where to sit. No matter where you are, the atmosphere will be good.

Going back to Silverstone, the atmosphere at Vale was the same as it was at the Village section. As long as the fans are being entertained, there will not be an issue. This all depends, however, on what Grand Prix has been chosen. Grandstands at a place such as Austria are electric, with Zandvoort looking to be mental.

Now it is time for the biggest factors, especially if you are staying for the weekend: food and drinks. Hands down, bringing your own seat wins this one — one million times.

This is how it plays out in a grandstand. You start by walking up and down steps, trying not to drop what you are holding, and then having to put up with it on your lap for the whole time you are in your seat.

But while in your own seat, your food can be next to you the entire time, or even under your chair with no worry if it takes up too much room. Being able to have a coolant bag alongside you is also an added bonus.

Cool drinks and food will always remain cool. Lastly, a burger van or something similar is always a matter of meters away from you. A quick trek behind you is all it takes and within a matter of moments, you are back in your seat.

All in all, both outcomes provide a top experience for fans. But for a more relaxed environment, bringing your own seat leads the way by quite some way.